Site Brief:
Founded: 1947
Location: Lake Placid, FL
Additional name(s): HPCA
Affiliate group(s): None
The Highway Park Cemetery is located in the south end of the unincorporated, predominantly African American community of Highway Park, in Highlands County Florida, about one mile south of the Town of Lake Placid, Florida on U. S. Highway 27. The Highway Park Cemetery Association (HPCA), comprised of a volunteer Board of Directors, manages the affairs of the cemetery.
Documented history of the cemetery's origin is not available, but research is ongoing to uncover this information. The oldest headstone dates back to 1947. However it is believed that the cemetery was actually established in the 1930's. The Highway Park Cemetery was recently awarded a designation on the National Registry of Historic Places.
This cemetery has traditionally been supported by most of the churches in the community and at one time is said to have been owned by the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church.
BCN Contact Information:
Selvin McGahee