McDonoghville Cemetery


Site Brief:

Founded: Early 1800's

Location: Gretna and New Orleans, LA

Additional name(s): None

Affiliate group(s):

  • Westside Cemetery Preservation Association



McDonoghville Cemetery is a cemetery for the enslaved and formerly enslaved. It has been maintained under various jurisdictions; none of which based appear to be the legal owner(s) of the cemetery. McDonoghville Cemetery, originally a slave burial ground, was segregated in the early 1890's, as it was integrated between 1850-1890. Today it is unclear where the burials of the enslaved and formerly enslaved are located, even though the cemetery is still in use today and is maintained. 

The history of this cemetery as a slave burial ground is recorded in historical documents, yet the Jefferson Parish Historical Society sponsored a state marker in 2016 which omitted this history. Currently, I am working with a professor at the University of New Orleans who is including this cemetery in a cultural resource class that is currently being taught in the hopes of sponsoring a state marker that will address this omitted history. Also, this cemetery is rift with corruption that took place at the level of local governance allowing private business owners to violate the law, with notices of violations issued that were never enforced. This and other activities stemming from for profit activities associated with this cemetery have adversely impacted my family’s property inclusive of a false arrest in what is believed to have been an attempted land grab. A photojournalist is involved in documenting this and can be contacted if there is any media interest. Legal assistance may be needed in this matter.

BCN Contact Information:

Joan K. Garner


Mosier Valley Community Cemetery


Gabriel Cemetery