Sharswood Plantation Cemetery


Site Brief:

Founded: 1850s

Location: Gretna, VA

Additional name(s): N/A

Affiliate group(s): N/A



Fred Miller Purchased property in southern Virginia. He did not know it at the time, but his new property was once a plantation. Named Sharswood, it was built in the 1850s by a slave-owning uncle and nephew who shared his last name. Miller and his family were surprised to find that their ancestors were once enslaved at Sharswood.

Fred Miller plans to clean up the cemetery and is in the process of creating a non-profit foundation to also restore the slave quarters on the property to help educate people interested in the history of slavery. Miller talks more about his experience and story on 60 minutes (link below).

BCN Contact Information:

Fredrick Miller


Cedar Lawn Cemetery


Evergreen Cemetery