Zion Cemetery


Site Brief:

Founded: 1901

Location: St. Petersburg, FL

Additional name(s): None

Affiliate group(s):

  • Zion Cemetery Preservation & Maintenance Society

  • University of South Florida

  • African American Cemetery Alliance of Tampa Bay

  • Florida Public Archaeology Network



Zion Cemetery was the first African American Cemetery in Tampa, founded in 1901, but it was later built over and erased from maps in the mid-twentieth century. An apartment complex and several other buildings have been constructed on top of it. The apartment complex that covers part of the cemetery is Robles Park Village, a THA housing complex in Tampa, Florida. In June 2019, after learning that Zion Cemetery may still contain human burials beneath the buildings at Robles Park Village, THA contracted Cardno to confirm whether or not graves still exist on the property.

BCN Contact Information:


Whispering Souls African American Cemetery (WSAAC)


Moffett Cemetery