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African Cemetery No. 2






This is the earliest recorded cemetery in Lexington to be organized, owned, and managed by African Americans. The 8-acre property was purchased in 1869 by Union Benevolent Society No. 2 (from which the cemetery gets its name) and the cemetery was chartered in 1870; burials continued until 1976. The people here were important leaders in Lexington. The cemetery uniquely honors individuals significant in the history of Thoroughbred Racing. Oliver Lewis, the first winner of the Kentucky Derby is buried here and it was the original burial site for the 3-time KY Derby-winning jockey Isaac Murphy. There over 150 members of the USCT including three individuals who were members of the 54th and 55th Massachusetts Regiments.

Like many private cemeteries African Cemetery No. 2 was not endowed and with the death of its founding members the cemetery became urban wasteland - it was declared abandoned on April 17, 1973. City government claimed ownership and surveyed graves in the cemetery in 1973 in anticipation of planned development; the revelation of over 5000 burial sites precluded that use. In March 1979, the Rev. H. Greene organized a nonprofit group as African Cemetery No. 2 Inc. to reclaim the landscape. The cemetery was cleaned and restored in 1980 and African Cemetery No. 2 Inc. was deeded the property in May 1981. The nonprofit was reorganized in 1995 and restoration, historic preservation, and cultural activities have continued since. The site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2004. It is the home of Lexington’s longest running Juneteenth Celebration (since 2005).

BCN Contact Information:

Mark Coyne

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KY alanah cooper KY alanah cooper

Maple Grove Cemetery






On June 19, 1901, Articles of Incorporation for the Richmond Colored Cemetery Company were signed and filed with the Madison County Court. Four African American men, Private Grandson Boggs, BP Langford, Thomas H. Broaddus and John L. Francis filed the document to be effective July 1st, 1901 for the purpose of conducting business as a cemetery for 50 years on the site.

Maple Grove Cemetery is the largest African American cemetery in Richmond and is located at the corner of East Main and Spring Streets. Additional land was added in 1910 and also several years later.

There are over 1700 grave stones and many unidentified gravesites within the cemetery. There are over 250 Military members interred in the cemetery (Buffalo Soldiers – Spanish American War, United States Colored Troops, US Navy – Messmen, Seaman and Reservist, US Army Air Corp/US Army - Tuskegee Airmen and support staff, U S Army Reservist, Marines, U S Coast Guard member and 2 female military members).

We know that this land was used as a burial place many years earlier than 1901 because the earliest stone is of Sarah Clay dated 1889.

The name of Maple Grove is also a mystery, this land has no formal document that contain that name. Richmond citizens have always referred to the cemetery as Maple Grove but the description does not refer to that name.

Many individuals and groups have maintained the cemetery over the many years. Much history has been uncovered about the people, places and occupations of the many individuals interred in the cemetery. The current caretaker – The Friends of Maple Grove Cemetery have placed historical markers at over 67 gravesites and researched their contributions to Richmond and Madison County.

The Friends of Maple Grove Cemetery, INC was established in October 2020 as a non-profit corporation, operates exclusively as a 501 (c)(3) to provide for perpetual care and maintenance of Maple Grove Cemetery. The Corporation is governed by 11 Board members and is solely supported by donations.

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